"Innovation together”

04 72 43 62 87


    This federation of research brings together, under the supervision of INSIS CNRS and the University of Lyon, 24 laboratories representing nearly 2300 researchers, lecturers, technical and administrative staff and PhD students. It is the largest unit of research unit in the country covering most of the scientific disciplines that make up the basic foundation of engineering sciences. This Federation offers a wide opening on the interfaces with Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Health and Humanities and Society Sciences: Materials and Mechanics, Fluids, Processes, Acoustics, Bioengineering, Thermal, Micro and Nanoelectronics, Micro and Nanosystems, Photonics, Electromagnetism, Electric Power, but also Telecommunications, Imaging, Industrial Engineering, Logistics ...


    • 2 Universities: U-Lyon 1, UJM Saint-Etienne
      Organisation ddu laboratoire Inge'Lyse
    • 7 Grandes Ecoles de l’alliance AEILyS: INSA, ECL, EMSE, CPE Lyon, ENISE, ECAM, ENTPE
    • 2300 personnes: 130 chercheurs CNRS, 670 EC, 400 ITA et IATOS, 1100 doctorants et post-docs
    • 270 thèses par an
    • 36 M€ / an de ressources propres
    • 1200 articles RCL par an, 30 brevets /an
    • Institut Carnot l@L, 7 Equipex, 4 Labex, 1 ITE
    • 12 start-ups, 7 chaires industrielles, 5 Labcoms

Sur la période 2009-2014: 3 ERC, 1 médaille de l’Innovation CNRS, 5 médailles de bronze CNRS, 8 membres IUF, 11 prix internationaux.